Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pixels, by Patrick Jean

Short film imagining what it would be like if the video games of 30 years ago attacked New York City.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

San Francisco in Ruins (1906)

(Hat tip: @brainpicker)

Using kites, photographer George Lawrence snapped an aerial photo of San Francisco just six weeks after the 1906 earthquake. (Quite a feat, considering the handbuilt panoramic camera weighed 49 pounds!) The photo, “San Francisco in Ruins” is housed at the Library of Congress.

The USGS has a zoomable high resolution version here.

For comparison, here's a modern day photo of the SF skyline from close to the same location:
Scott Haefner's site.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A tax form for the marginally employed

Designer Sam Potts creates a tax form for freelancers for the NYT, including deductions for "Your food blog", "Your other food blog", and the "David Foster Wallace Memorial Deduction for Writers Who Use Footnotes."


[Via Kottke]

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Nine years old, this one.

Japanese parody of a boy band music video, that also managed to climb to #6 on the Japanese pop music charts. [Wikipedia link]

YouTube link

We've got recession these days,

In goverment we've no faith.

Could we hit "reset," that'd be number one!

And since we're all here, it's just so much fun!
For those interested in the English translation of the lyrics.

[Via @EffingBoring.]