Friday, December 16, 2005

Angela Shelton's Survivor Manual: what videoblogging was created for

Angela Shelton is a filmmaker and a survivor of abuse. Her film, Searching for Angela Shelton that chronicled the survival story of herself and 47 others women was lauded at multiple film festivals and was featured on CBS' 48 Hours and Oprah.

Haven't seen the film, but I discovered her brand new videoblog, in which she is documenting her ongoing healing process.

First step: addressing her lifelong asthma. By episode 6/day 10 she's seeing some real results with the aid of an NMT (Neuro Modulation Technique) practitioner. By episode 7 (The Beetle Story) she's already attempting singing lessons.

Shelton is an onscreen natural, and the camera work and editing are crisp. It helps that she is aided by an actual *crew*, so she's freed up to be the main character/host.

But even in moments when a piece feels like a moment from a reality TV show, it feels more appropriate to the videoblogging medium (short, serial episodes).

And while I subscribe to several videoblogs, most are mundane moments or random visual or auditory bits done in a style that makes me want to see what the person comes up with next.

But here's a use of the medium that makes me want to subscribe to find out what *happens* next. Where's Shelton's story going from here?

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